- German - literally translated as drum dance, perfect description for the song that starts and ends this set and for the mix itself. Personally & frankly, I love this mix. It's got a real eclectic selection of tunes, mash-ups, mixes, re-mixes, medleys and radio friendly tracks that all seem to be made for each other. Originally I wanted to keep the George Kranz mouth percussion running through the entire mix but got caught up in the tunes as they dropped that I aborted and just ended up with Din Daa Daa
as bookends.
Thanks and acknowledgement go to the three DJs that I was able to identify - DJ Dubz, DJ Chaos & DJ RikH aka DL KlaSh-E and to the folks at XMIX, one of the best DJremix services you’ll ever find. The two tracks labeled as Back To The 80s and the one labeled Donny Bs 1999 megamix are from XMIX, although I only mixed in and out of one song on each - 80s Part 2 is Samantha Cole's cover of the Animotion tune Obsession; 80s Part 1 is the Eurhythmics' Sweet Dreams
and Will Smith's Miami
comes out of the 1999 megamix. The tracks are offered in their original glory below; and, if you follow the links you can see the complete listing for each.
SelectMix/Hot Tracks also contributed three re-mixed tracks to the set – Gonna Catch You
; The Bomb: These Sounds Fall From My Mind
; and Born To Be Alive.
Listed below are the individual tracks used in the mix - Left click a title to play it in a seperate browser; Right click to snatch and grab; or, put it in the player and stream it...